November 17


Thanksgiving-A Day of Storytelling and Being in the Moment

By Celeste DeCamps

November 17, 2023

#shareyourstory, communication, Compassion, confidence, empathy, EverydayMoments, mindfulness, NoPoliticsZone, self improvement, Self worth, ShareChallenges, ShareExperiences, Thanksgiving

"Epiphanies Come More Readily When We Open Up Our Past and Find Nuggets of Inspiration."
Thanksgiving is approaching, even though I thought we just celebrated the Fourth of July. This computer simulation we call life, seems to be speeding up on me. How is it that my memories of events vacillate between happening yesterday and ten years ago? Why is it always hard to adjust to nighttime happening at 4:30 pm? Why does the temperature drop take me by surprise every year? I try not to be oblivious to my life, but somehow, this journey can feel like a blur. I’m realizing more and more the importance of mindfulness and storytelling.

For me to recall any memories of my past, they have to be tied to stories I’ve told a few times to friends and family. Otherwise, I seem to remember very little. Practicing mindfulness has helped me be aware of everyday moments, and writing about current events solidifies those recollections. I’m finding how essential it is to understand my past and how it relates to my present. I don’t believe in wallowing in regrets (though I do it more than I’d like to admit), but I want to see how far I’ve come. I think we all become reflective as the year winds its way down. We want to feel a sense of accomplishment and know we’ve contributed in a positive way.

Many of the challenges we faced, are hurdles someone else is trying to figure out. All of our experiences, good and bad, are valuable not only for ourselves but for those who will benefit from hearing about them. When we share our knowledge and expertise, we’ll likely find solutions for each other. Epiphanies come more readily when we open up our past and find nuggets of inspiration. What better time to do that than Thanksgiving? Let’s celebrate each other. Hey, it’s better than delving into politics. In fact, stay away from discussing politics.

I recognize my tendency to put on rose-colored glasses when it comes to looking at the past. For example, I skip over the stressful part of putting together a Thanksgiving dinner for a million people. The cleaning, shopping, cooking, and more cleaning, all for the dinner to be over in ten minutes. Instead, I think about who showed up: family, friends, neighbors, and people my mother invited because they had nowhere to go. I remember laughing till my stomach hurt, eating way too much, and enjoying everyone who was there. I think this is a wonderful reminder of why we put so much effort into creating a meal to commemorate what we’re grateful for.

Hopefully, this Thanksgiving finds you with family and good friends. Take this time to catch up and be fully present. Ask everyone to think about the past year and talk about a particular highlight or challenge they had. This will give everyone a chance to tell their story, cement a happy memory, and make the dinner last longer than ten minutes.
About the author

Celeste DeCamps has a B.A. in Communications from the University of Miami. She worked in radio and television, was a professional belly dancer, drummer, percussionist, nightclub owner, and a sales rep for Southern Wine and Spirits for 12 years. Throughout her different career moves, speaking to and teaching women how to be more confident is Celeste's most fulfilling job.

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