I want my home to look like the one in the magazine. I want to walk out of my house dressed in the latest fashion, my makeup and hair done professionally. I want everything I say to flow and be witty like the people on tv. What's wrong with wanting to be perfect?
I've had conversations with friends and clients about being a perfectionist and how hard it is to look and say everything flawlessly. I think most people feel this way. Of course, we want to be liked and appreciated for our efforts. But, this concern can keep us from trying new adventures. No one wants to fail, but I want to make an argument for perfectionism.
The goals we set up for ourselves should include the small details. It's that kind of attentiveness that makes a polished speaker, artist, or party planner stand out. It's taking the time to research and be prepared for an event. It means practicing how you'll introduce yourself, remembering to take a breath, and listening to your new connection. It helps to visualize the job interview from beginning to end.
Perfectionism is something to strive for, and at the same time, we shouldn't let it make us crazy. We don't need to wait for all the planets to align before putting ourselves out in the public eye, but we should do our best to cover all the bases.
Seeking perfection is a lovely motivator when we use it as something to achieve greatness. For example, when I'm working on a new presentation, I try to imagine what the audience is hearing. Then, I rework it until I feel it will have the impact I'm hoping for. Finally, I have a fantastic group of friends that will sit and listen to my speech. They'll give me suggestions and constructive criticism to help me make it the best it can be. It still won't be perfect, but it will give me the confidence to deliver an exciting and well-thought-out talk. I'll speak to the participants after to get their feedback and watch the recording as well. I'll nitpick it to death and see where I can make it better the next time.
Reach out and ask for help. Be open to hearing and taking advice. Go the extra mile to put on the finishing touches of your project or presentation. It's your unique perspective that is the selling point. Sloppy work or trying to "wing it" is setting yourself up for disappointment. You'll be left with needless regret. There's always the chance of failure no matter how much you prepare, but you increase your odds when you decide to swing for the fences.
My home may never make it on the cover of a magazine. My hair and makeup will always be a work in progress, but I'm definitely as witty as the people on tv. However, I believe that innately we're perfect.
August 24