September 29


Basic Instinct

By Celeste DeCamps

September 29, 2020

innervoice, intuition, mind body connection, mindfulness

"My inner voice needs a cocktail."

I'm having trouble finding my intuition. I know it's around here somewhere, probably hiding under the bed. I'm letting myself be bombarded daily with bad news. If I'm not on my phone, then I'm on the computer. All of this noise is cutting off my internal voice. A voice that I rely on to help me navigate my place in the world. Decisions on the direction of my career, people that I can trust with my ideas, and how to keep moving forward are somehow lost on me right now. Luckily, there are ways to get back my gut instinct.

The little voice inside us is a real thing. Scientists have discovered that the feelings we have in certain situations elicit a physical response. It could be the hair rising on the back of our necks, goosebumps on our arms, or a feeling in our stomach. I can't tell you how many times I looked back on my life and wished I paid more attention to my hunches and warning bells that went off in my head. It would've saved me from a lot of heartbreak.

Research shows that our experiences, combined with our rational thoughts, helps our intuition work. There's a positive light that seems to shine within us when we feel good about a decision that we've made. The opposite is true when we feel a pain in our abdomen about a possible judgment call we "know" is somehow wrong.

When we need to make a snap judgment in a situation, our best bet is to go with our first idea. When we have time to mull over an important, possibly life-changing choice, we need to give ourselves time to listen to our inner dialogue.

Our instincts work better when we're in a good mood. We're more open and calmer to pay attention to our feelings. When we live in our minds, we can argue forever about our next plan of action. It leads to frustration and anger. Poor choices are the result.

Taking a long, quiet walk helps me unplug. I focus on my breathing and relax. I find meditating, yoga, and dance work to relive the anxiety that I know is building up. Self-talk gives me a chance to hear what my concerns are out-loud. Practicing mindfulness has a centering, healing effect. It helps me from worrying needlessly. I'm very good at worrying even though it has yet to prevent me from facing challenges.

We can't stop the news of the world from happening, but we can set limits on how much we ingest. We need to take time for ourselves to listen to our inner voice. It takes practice, but it's worth the effort. Our intuition is an integral part in guiding us to make the right choices, finding the best people to hang out with, and preventing us from possible regrets.

I know I can coax my inner voice out from under the bed. I have to promise that I'll stay in the here and now, be grateful for all that I have, and offer it a cocktail.

About the author

Celeste DeCamps has a B.A. in Communications from the University of Miami. She worked in radio and television, was a professional belly dancer, drummer, percussionist, nightclub owner, and a sales rep for Southern Wine and Spirits for 12 years. Throughout her different career moves, speaking to and teaching women how to be more confident is Celeste's most fulfilling job.

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