My husband, Eric, is a professional magician. Before you say anything, the answer is yes, he's tried many times to make me disappear, but that's not what this article is about. It's about watching the progression of a magic piece he's developing. The first time he showed it to me, I was impressed. It was surprising and beautiful at the same time. I thought he couldn't make it any better, and yet, he continues to work and improve it in tiny increments. Eric has shared his new effect with a few trusted magicians to get their feedback and suggestions. It's interesting to watch his work evolve, and I realize that's what sets an artist apart. Taking the time and effort to create something unique and interesting requires several adjustments.
Life is like that. Living up to our potential and doing our best means always looking for ways to improve ourselves. It's being open to constructive criticism and not being offended. We may find it hard to ask for help because we feel we're admitting defeat. The opposite is the reality. We're showing others that we want to grow and willing to take advice. Think about what you're involved with right now. Do you feel confident in your communication skills? Are you prepared for your Zoom meeting? What are you making for dinner? Seriously, what's for dinner? I'm running out of ideas.
Speaking of food, the right combination of seasonings can make a big difference when cooking a meal. It's trial and error until we find that perfect blend. I've ruined a few dinners when trying a new recipe. (Who knew that too much cheese could ever be a bad thing?) Learning a skill can be frustrating in the beginning. If you want to be proficient, you'll keep at it until it becomes a part of you. Once you have a strong foundation of your newly acquired talent, the attention to detail will hone your expertise.
The performers and artists I know are never satisfied with their work. I find that same drive in other professions as well. Are you the top salesperson in your company? Have you received an MVP award for your team? Do you have the Best Mom in the World coffee cup? Well, you don't have the last one, because my Mom has it.
The way to stay engaged in our lives is to strive for excellence. When you need some guidance, seek out a mentor. Talk to your family and friends and ask for support and encouragement when you doubt your abilities. There are resources on the internet where groups of like-minded people get together and brainstorm concepts. It's challenging to be innovative in a vacuum. We need to bounce off our thoughts and ideas to others. It could be a simple word or perception from another person that makes everything click. It's a fantastic feeling to have an epiphany and solve an issue you've been struggling with that brings your product or service to life.
The small things matter when it comes to presenting your work. Take the time to tweak and adjust. Practice your introduction before meeting with a potential client. Take note of what is and isn't working for you at a networking event. When planning a project, ask for feedback and recommendations from people you hold in high esteem. Develop the mindset that you're always evolving and creating for your audience. You never know who will be inspired and motivated by your example. The biggest trick is making it look easy. People may not recognize your hard work and hours of preparation, but they will appreciate the results.
I have to make a delicious dinner now before my husband tries once again to make me disappear.
Life is like that. Living up to our potential and doing our best means always looking for ways to improve ourselves. It's being open to constructive criticism and not being offended. We may find it hard to ask for help because we feel we're admitting defeat. The opposite is the reality. We're showing others that we want to grow and willing to take advice. Think about what you're involved with right now. Do you feel confident in your communication skills? Are you prepared for your Zoom meeting? What are you making for dinner? Seriously, what's for dinner? I'm running out of ideas.
Speaking of food, the right combination of seasonings can make a big difference when cooking a meal. It's trial and error until we find that perfect blend. I've ruined a few dinners when trying a new recipe. (Who knew that too much cheese could ever be a bad thing?) Learning a skill can be frustrating in the beginning. If you want to be proficient, you'll keep at it until it becomes a part of you. Once you have a strong foundation of your newly acquired talent, the attention to detail will hone your expertise.
The performers and artists I know are never satisfied with their work. I find that same drive in other professions as well. Are you the top salesperson in your company? Have you received an MVP award for your team? Do you have the Best Mom in the World coffee cup? Well, you don't have the last one, because my Mom has it.
The way to stay engaged in our lives is to strive for excellence. When you need some guidance, seek out a mentor. Talk to your family and friends and ask for support and encouragement when you doubt your abilities. There are resources on the internet where groups of like-minded people get together and brainstorm concepts. It's challenging to be innovative in a vacuum. We need to bounce off our thoughts and ideas to others. It could be a simple word or perception from another person that makes everything click. It's a fantastic feeling to have an epiphany and solve an issue you've been struggling with that brings your product or service to life.
The small things matter when it comes to presenting your work. Take the time to tweak and adjust. Practice your introduction before meeting with a potential client. Take note of what is and isn't working for you at a networking event. When planning a project, ask for feedback and recommendations from people you hold in high esteem. Develop the mindset that you're always evolving and creating for your audience. You never know who will be inspired and motivated by your example. The biggest trick is making it look easy. People may not recognize your hard work and hours of preparation, but they will appreciate the results.
I have to make a delicious dinner now before my husband tries once again to make me disappear.